Friday, May 28, 2010

I Heart Faces: Fix-It Friday

Every Fix-It Friday at IHF, I am always wondering if the photo this week will be a boy or a girl. Oh, I was so excited it was one of each... & Twins, too!! (I am still wanting to find some twins for my photo sessions, folks!!)

I am just looooooving this picture of these precious little 6 week-old twins, children to JaimeLee Candidly Grateful.

The original:
My edit:

I added some gaussian blur to the skin, converted the pic to CS's B&W (70%), adjusted some levels, added a 70% High Key, cropped, then added a frame. Very simple.

Check out other great photo edits here.


  1. Nice! I like your crop.

  2. Love it!!! It looks like such a dream, and the crop really brings you into the picture. This weeks photo was so neat, I am sitting here wondering what in the world they could be thinking about. Great 'Fixes' :o)

  3. Nice. I like your b/w edits. Makes the image look more crisp too. :)
