Friday, May 21, 2010

I Heart Faces: Fix-It Friday

It's that time of the week again... our turn to learn new editing trick from other contributors to I Heart Faces and to play along as well.

This week's photo was submitted by Shelle from Mommy Can't Sing.

Here's the original:
My Fix-It #1... I adjusted levels, curves, colour balance, then added gaussian blur to soften the face. I then did some adjustments to lighten skin & eyes and give the skin some glow.
My Fix-It #2: I converted the pic to B&W but did some colourizing. Not to crazy about this one as there is so much noise on the pic that I wasn't able to remove.
Fix-It #3: I darkened the background, added a gradient and a texture (just for something different) then brought in some colour.
Fix-It #4: I like this one the best. It's basically the same as Fix-It #3 but I removed the texture then added some vignette & borders.

Check out other great photo edits at I Heart Faces.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I just LOVE them all! You really really did a wonderful job! I just can't stop looking at your pictures!! Thanks so much for taking the time to edit my picture!
