Monday, April 12, 2010

I Heart Faces: Chocolate Pudding Delight

This week's photo challenge for "i Heart Faces" is Desserts.

I love to cook, and baking is low on the to-do lists! Admittedly, I'm not really a dessert fan, and I don't take photos of desserts.

This past Saturday, we let our 7-month-old son have his first taste-test of a dessert: Chocolate Pudding. Oh, how he loved it... & he made a scrumptious mess! Life's too short not to have fun!

So here's my son after he tackled & enjoyed Chocolate Pudding!! What a treat! Yum!!

Check out other great dessert photos here.


  1. Ahaha! I love how the pudding is all over him! What a cutie!

  2. Awww cute photo he is scrumptious! :)

  3. aww..what an adorable picture!

  4. oh my gosh i LOVE this shot! :-) what a little cutie!!

  5. omg...if that doesn't say "I heart desserts" I don't know what does!?
